Halloween Traditions

Halloween is has never really very big for “me”, as an Austrian in the UK it often passed us by. But as mentioned before, the best thing about being in a multi cultural home, is that we can pick and choose our traditions. Last year, The Boy’s friends asked to join them trick or treating. We did. And it was much nicer than I had expected, mainly due to a very “nice” road in our area that had a real Halloween Party atmosphere.

This year we embraced Halloween from the beginning and I decided to try and make it not just about sweets (and ahem begging). We made our own Halloween costumes and… we booked in a day with The Uncle!

And what a lovely day we had. I hoping that this day will form the focus of our Halloween for years to come – a day all about family, spending time together, being creative and eating some yummy Halloween food.

The idea of the day was simple:

1) Visit The Uncle (including Granny, Grandpa, The Auntie and a cousin)

2) Scoop our pumpkins (The Uncle had bought no less than 8 pumpkins, one big and 7 small ons!)

3) Daddy to cook with the pumpkins (using some of these pumpkin recipes) – he ended up making a delicious mild curry pumpkin soup and a pumpkin risotto. The Boy slurped two whole bowls full!

4) The kids to help design the pumpkins and for The Uncle to carve them

So we did.

We had the best Halloween day ever. Hooray for Halloween Traditions and I am looking forward to next year already! Thank Uncle for a fabulous day!

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