Skribbies – on the go art!

Well, The Boy and The Girl are really lucky kids… just before we went on our holiday, they both received a pair of Skribbies – trainers that you can colour in over and over again!

I caught them on camera as they opened the boxes.. I think the faces and photos speaks for themselves!

They were are actually SUPER handy at the airport, as both kids spent ages drawing and “wiping away” with their Skribbies wristbands as we waited for our flights. It  made the waiting VERY bearable and the kids were so proud of their shoes. They loved “colouring them all in” and changing from “white shoes” to “rainbow shoes”. Then starting all over again.

The shoes themselves are very sturdy and supportive, they are a little stiffer than normal trainers and I can see them doing well in rain and snow which will be handy for us, as the Autumn and Winter months head our way.


If your kids like to coloring pages.. check out this amazing set of coloring page resources here.

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