Growing Carrot Tops

Here is a fun activity – growing carrots from carrot tops. I first read about it on Rainy Day Mum and thought the kids would LOVE to this. They always get excited when our seedlings start appearing and things GROW.

So to start it off… place your carrot tops in a shallow dish of water.. then wait. Come back and see what happens!!!

I do hope we manage to grow WHOLE carrots from these carrot tops!

UPDATE: I have just read that you CAN NOT grow a carrot from a carrot top… but you can make them sprout and for table decorations and apparently get seeds from them.. so I guess that is something!

growing carrot tops

UPDATE: Day 6 two (only two!! I have since read it is best to cut the carrot top a little bigger – 1 inch minimim) of our carrots start sprouting!

The Boy’s (4yrs) comment: “Wow, how did THAT happen?”

Joining in with the Frugal Carnival for at Mum At The Madhouse – after all this experiment costs you NOTHING to take part in.. and potentially you end up with lots of seeds and those lots more carrots… Frugality sometimes take time! 

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