How to Make Welly Plant Pots
|I am a GREAT fan of gardening with kids and every year the kids and I make an effort to at least grow SOMETHING. Usually we have a go at growing sunflowers, tomatoes, beans and potatoes. We also have TONS of strawberries in the garden (they grow like weeds), some raspberries, a little apple tree and and a blueberry bush. We don’t get MUCH food from the garden, but we get enough to make it fun and interesting for the kids. I think it is very important for kids to understand where food comes from and what effort goes into growing it! We are by no means expert gardners, but like all activities with kids, it isn’t about being an expert, but about having a go and hopefully having fun! Last year the school nursery created this Welly Planter Wall.. and I thought it would be nice to share with you how to make welly plant pots! Welly planters are such a fun way to garden with kids!!! (PS Toilet Paper Rolls also make a great craft material for DIY seedling pots!!!).
We have a whole post about a recycled container garden over on Red Ted Art and 5 Thrifty Garden Ideas here. Like with all these things, gardening with kids should NOT be expensive, yet it is easy to get carried away and spend a LOT OF MONEY! Don’t… keep your pennies for buying seeds and keep the rest as simple as possible! If you do get tempted.. you could always get a little garden set like this for your child’s birthday or as a “no chocolate” Easter gift:
Kids Garden Tool Set! This is so cute and simple. US Readersfollow / UK Readers (similar) (affiliate links)
Now onto our welly planters and the best way to make them!
How to make welly plant pots – you will need
old wellies (preferably ones you can no longer pass on!)
a drill of sorts
and of course seeds or small plants
How to make welly plant pots:
Like with all recycled containers that you use as plant pots, you will need to create a “drainage” system. You don’t want water logged plants. So..
- Begin by drilling a few holes on the bottom of your welly. Of course adults should do this.
- then fill with some stones or broken pot pieces. Take care NOT to clog up the holes
- Fill with compost.
- Plant your seeds.
Your wellies can either be free standing or hung up!
The kids will also adore these Grass Heads. Super fun, quirky and EASY to make. Love love love. Also, if you are looking for “Back to School” ideas for later in the summer. Take a look at these great Back to School DIYs – thrifty and fun!