Board Game Review: Goldilocks & The Three Bears

You may know, that I am one of the BIGGEST Orchard Toys fans. We have so many of them and we love love love them. Generally, I find that they are well made, have lovely designs and the games themselves are fun and usually have some hidden learning for the kids. One of our all time favourites is still Round & Round, as well as Pop To The Shops.

046 Packshot


So what did we think of it?

Well it is another delightful game from Orchard Toys (I know I sound biased, but I do really love them). They come up with so many different and original ideas. The “different” bit about this game, is that you play against each other AND against Goldilocks. It was an interesting dynamic. The Boy (who hates losing, especially when it is a new game that he hasn’t had a chance to get his head around yet), was channeling all his non winning frustration on Goldilocks and not his sister or me. Result. In a funny sort of way we worked together to win. The fact that The Girl ACTUALLY won, almost went unnoticed and I decided not to make too big a deal out of it.

The players move between 1-3 steps. Which again is great for The Girl (just turned 3) who is still learning about rules of the game – she wanted to pretend walking all across the board. So we were able to “slow down”, “stop” and count each step of the way. Win win for both kids! Hooray.

Day 30 Goldilocks

The way the game goes – you throw a di to move along the path. If you throw a “Goldilocks”, you get to spin a spinner to say whether Golidlocks moves one or two paces. If you land on a honey pot you either take a step or two back or forwards. A nice bit of subtle maths. Maths is something that The Boy is subtly beginning to understand and the clear +2 or -1 are a great way to look at the symbols that go with addition and subtractions and what happens to your moves if you “add or take away”. Luckily Goldilocks has a little further to go than everyone else, as not only does she have to reach the house, but shock horror, she has to mess it up as well.. giving the bears a chance to catch up with her.

Like I said, a nice new game with a great twist. Thumbs up.

Would you like to win one?

To enter, visit Orchard Toys, have a look around and  leave a comment below saying which game you would like to have (including link please!).


1) Open to the UK residence only.

2) Only one entry per person.

3) Competition closes on 9th Feb 2013 at 11pm.

4) Delivery of the prize is the responsibility of Orchard Toys and not Life at The Zoo.

(After our game.. we did then have to go off and watch a movie… the kids were exhausted after school and sticking to rules, read our Hotel Transylvania review to find out more).

Disclaimer: we were kindly sent a copy for review

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