Vanilla Kipferl Recipe
|I know many of you have heard me go on and on and on about our Christmas baking already. And I have shared a number of Christmas Cookie Recipes with you already.
But my family’s all time favourite are the Vanille Kipferl – a simple Austrian cookie containing almonds and vanilla sugar. I always make extra and they are always devoured first. So I wanted to share the recipe with you again.
I was also given the brand new Motorola RAZRi smartpone to test the camera features. And I think there is nothing better for someone trying to decide what they want to get than seeing the “photos in action”. So I bring you the recipe, with photos from Motorola RAZRi and hopefully will prove to you, that you do not need an expensive DSLR in order to take nice photos for your blog. Just a note – these photos are taken in winter, in the dark afternoon, with electrical lights on – never the best conditions for photography. So imagine, how good these photos could have been on a summers day!
- 300g plain flour
- 215g unsalted butter (+ pinch of salt) or slightly salted butter
- 100g ground almonds
- 75g icing sugar
- (vanilla essence)*
For coating:
- 150g icing sugar, 2 packets of vanilla sugar (each packet contains 8g)*
**Ok, vanilla sugar is something you don’t necessarily get in the UK, so to replace this fact, you could add a couple of drops of essence or some real vanilla into the dough. It isn’t “quite” right, but you can’t have Vanille Kipferl without vanilla!!
Preheat oven to 140-160C
(quite a good photo, me thinks?! Taken on the Motorola RAZRi)
- Crumble butter & flour & salt
- Add almonds & sugar
- Knead to a dough (or bung it all into a Kitchen Aid)
- Form little crescents (make a sausage with thinner ends and bend)
- Place in hot oven (140-160C) – bake until they JUST start to turn golden (prob 10-15min)
- This is how they should look when they come out of the oven, still pale, but beginning to brown
- Leave on tray for a minute or two. Let them cool down a LITTLE. Then roll the still very warm Kipferl in the icing sugar mixed with the Vanilla sugar
Finished! Store in air tight container!
My verdict on the camera phone? Well.. the proof is in the pudding, erm, biscuit. See the photos yourself. Very good for taking foodie shots for this site. When you get a new camera, I think it is always advisable to play and to test and see how things work for you, what you like and dislike. I wasn’t so keen on the flash (it was very bright and made things quite yellow), but it took pretty good photos on a dark winter’s afternoon. A challenging setting to say the least. I took the camera outdoors with the kids, and it took bright colourful photos in good light.
I have been told that many android apps are FREE for the android phone, whilst you pay for them on the Apple Store. So that is a plus. And there are always a great many photo apps out there, to help you edit and enhance your photos. Free apps are always a plus in my eyes.
The photos look great and I mat just have to try out that recipe…they look and sound lovely! x
Cherished by Me recently posted..Life, Death & Vanilla Slices – book review
These look delicious! Scribbling the recipe down right now to try with the kids this week. Thanks for sharing!
Eddie – The Usual Mayhem recently posted..Sewing felt ornaments – older kids
Enjoy 🙂