Getting Active – Jumping Bean Bag
|The team behind the Jumping Bean Bag send us one of Bean Bag CLub kids a couple of weeks ago. I was keen to try it out, as anything that gets my kids active is a good thing (we do far too much crafting!!!).
The little box arrived, the kids were straight into it. The little bean bags are jolly and bright. The crafty so and so in me thought.. mmh, I can make that…. well yes, I can. BUT. Here is the but. The box comes with a get physical booklet and DVD. And I think this is where the real value of this activity set lies. Yes, we all know how to play with a ball. Or yes, I made some juggling chooks recently. But there is one thing having them, and quite another knowing what to do with them!
“Look, Mummy, I can balance it!” 3yrs old
So far we have only explore the booklet – it has given us plenty to do – from warm up exercise to balancing and jumping. I love all the pretend activity (can you be a rocket and reach the stars?) and action songs/ lyrics.
The kids took to them straight away and The Boy (5yrs) even wanted to take his to bed with him. Well, it really is a cute little buddy to have!
Once we tire of the booklet, we will reinvigorate our activities with the DVD. Also the Jumping Bean Bag reminds me of the “hacky sacks” of the 80s – remember those? Though not a ball made for “kicking”, I do like the idea of improving dexterity and hand eye co-ordination by doing different tricks with it.
The boy making up some of his own moves (catching the bean bag behind his back).
So far our favourite activities include:
- Normal “throwing up and catching”
- Throwing the bag to each other
- Throwing 2 bean bags to each other at the same time
- Balancing on one leg and placing the bean bag on the foot of the OTHER leg
- Balancing again and seeing if you can flip the bean bag up from the other foot and catch it (3yrs old still has to practice!!)
- Balancing the bean bag on our head and catching it behind our back
- Stretching arms out sideways and balancing a bean bag on the back of each hand
- Juggle (mummy)
As much as anything, I think the kids enjoy doing this together with me or Daddy – anything that involves focussed parental time goes down well in our house! And we all got active!
FYI: we received a free set of Jumping Bean BagsĀ