Simple Family Meals: Lemon Chicken
|I am sure, that I am not the only that regularly thinks “what shall I cook tonight?” – I need a simple family meal and it needs to be tasty and nutritious! So a number of bloggers came together to share THEIR favourite simple family meal. all the family meals are being linked up below over a period of 2 weeks – so come back and check out what everyone has made.
Our simple family meal is “Lemon Chicken” – it is a recipe shared by my mother in law and we made it very often. It simple, super quick and tasty! AND the main part only requires 3 ingredients!! Can you believe it?
I also love it, as it tends to be something we always “have in” – chicken in the freezer, rice in the cupboard, a lemon in the fridge. I vary the vegetables according to what we have in!
The kids can help pour the lemon juice and soya sauce!
- Chicken Drumsticks or thighs
- A lemon (we used half a lemon for 4 drumsticks)
- Soya sauce (about 2-3 table spoons for 4 drumsticks)
- Sides: Rice and Broccoli – but you can choose a side that your family likes!
Pre heat the oven to 180C
1) Place your chicken in an oven proof dish. Squirt the lemon and soya sauce of the top. Place in the oven for approx 45min.
2) Check on it every so often, maybe turn the chicken and with a spoon scoop some sauce over the chicken, to help make it tasty! I do this maybe twice. If the sauce looks like it is drying up and burning, buy tramadol 50 just had a little hot water.
3) In the last 10min of cooking, start on your rice and in the last 7 min or so your broccoli (we like to steam our broccoli and I put it on top of the rice pan to save on energy).
4) Serve. My children don’t like “sauce”, but this is the tastiest bit of the meal – we like to pour it over the rice. I could eat just that!!
As mentioned! This is a “blog hop”, where a number of Mummy Bloggers come together sharing their favourite meal.
Check out all the other recipes below:
Enchanted Homeschooling Mom | Inspired by Family | Sun Scholars | This Reading Mama | Life by Ashley Pichea | In Culture Parent | Raising Life Long Learners | Glittering Muffins | Life at the Zoo | Octavia and Vicky | Kid World Citizen | Kitchen Counter Chronicles | Nomad Parents | Childhood 101 | Triple T Mum | Adventures in Mommydom | The Freckled Homeschooler | Teach Beside Me | The Chirping Moms | Discovering the World Through My Son’s Eyes | So You Call Yourself a Homeschooler | Pickle Bums | The European Mama | The Golden Gleam | Forever, For Always, No Matter What | Motherhood on a Dime | Harrington Harmonies | Rainy Day Mum | Jenni Fischer | Cakes and Sribbles | Toddling Into Madness | Mermaids’ Makings | Mud Hut Mama | Here Come the Girls | All Done Monkey | Small Potatoes | Little Artists
LOOOOOVE IT! Thanks so much . . . love having so many family-friendly recipes in one spot. The lemon chicken sounds delicious. 🙂
Mary Catherine recently posted..Painting With Nature
Thank you! It really is a tasty and simple meal!
Wow, looks so simple. Great for an easy midweek supper! Am off to pin!
Mum of One recently posted..Easter Craft: No-dye Spotty Easter Eggs.
I can highly recommend it!! Thanks for pinning!
I love how simple that sounds. Definitely one to try. Thanks x
Cat (Yellow Days) recently posted..Skinny Blueberry Muffins with Lemon Icing
I hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
Ooh, sounds delicious, and simple too!
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