Easy Fondant Sheep

Oh my, we are sooooo looking forward to Spring! Yes, I know, Spring and Easter and everything that goes with it are still ages away. But that doesn’t stop us looking, right? We can still get excited about all the fluffy cuteness coming our way? Such as Bunny Crafts and Sheep Crafts? Right? AND it is The Year of the Sheep after all, which means as of 19th Feb, all Sheep Crafts are a free for all.

So. Here are some cute ideas for you – first up is this super easy Fondant Sheep – this cute little sheep is easy to make and would look great on Easter Cake or made from Marzipan “just because”! These in fact went on a Skylanders cake!!

Follow this great YouTube Channel whilst there!

Easy Shaun the Sheep TP Roll CraftTP Roll Sheep (Shaun the Sheep)

Rocking Paper Plate Sheep Craft

Paper Plate Rocking Sheep


Cotton Wool Lamb

TP Roll Sheep

TP Roll Sheep Craft

Brilliant! Who would have thought you could have so much fun with sheep!!! Woohoo!

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