Playmobil Fun
|Since joining the Playmobil Playogolist “team”, the kids have been pouring over the playmobil magazines. They know pretty much every page off by heart and you can say that it has been well and truly “well thumbed”. The Girl lucked out on her Birthday – a new playmobil carry along house which she adores, and I love the fact that you can tidy it away so easily with all the “bits” in one place. She was also over the moon with her Playmobil Rainbow Birthday cake and I think the little fairy and unicorn were one or favourite toys from the whole day.
We love playmobil. I love the play it stimulates in the children and I love listening to the adventures and stories that the characters get up to, when the children are playing and think that no one is listening.
I love how, whilst we were on holiday, this tiny little hedgehog amused her for hours. Bless her.
Anyway… this little girl is about to luck out again this Christmas.. she is going to be getting her very own PRINCESS ADVENT CALENDAR. The kids are hoping for a chocolate calendar, boy will they be surprised when they see this:
And so that Red Ted doesn’t miss out, he will get:
Doesn’t it look great?
I know that the excitement of opening each day and finding a new “piece” to the scene will really keep the kids engaged and “into” the toy. There is nothing worse than a new toy, discarded 2 days later. These will keep them playing through Dec… Hooray.
We HEART Playmobil.
Disclaimer: we received one Police Playmobil Advent calendar courtesy of the Playmobil PR team