Valentine’s Cookie Pops
|Did I mention, that a simple cookie on a stick, somehow tastes infinitely better than a cookie NOT on a stick? I have tested it with several children and they all agree. Really. They do. So take one Easy Sugar Cookies recipe, add a little cocoa and an egg, and suddenly you have a rich chocolate shortbread ideal for a lovely Valentines Cookie (check out our “Be Mine” cookies too.. so cute!). We love Heart Crafts all year around.
- 300g (2.5 cups) Flour
- 200g (3/4 cup) Butter (at room temperature)
- 100g (0.5 cups) Sugar
- 50g Cocoa powder (approx 3/4 cup or 4 heaped table spoons)
- 1 egg (you can replace it with some milk if need be)
As well as:
- Heart Cookie cutters
- Coffee stirrers
- Icing Sugar + a little water
- Sprinkles
Preheat oven to 180C
1) Mix all your ingredients into a smooth dough. If you do not want to use an egg (maybe because of children helping) you, can mix the cocoa with some milk and make a moist paste – the egg is mainly there to help bind the cocoa to the basic shortbread recipe. We did this with a kitchen aid, so the children just helped pour everything in.
2) Roll out 5mm or a little thicker and cut out your hearts.
3) Carefully insert your coffee stirrer and place on tray.
4) Bake for approximately 12-15minutes.
5) Let cool a minute or two and place on rack to fully cool.
6) Mix a little icing sugar with water. Don’t make it runny (our classic mistake).
7) Apply to cookie pops with a spoon and then add LOTS of sprinkles.
Yummy. What do you think? Don’t they make lovely Valentine’s Cookie Pops?
And this really is an EASY Sugar Cookies recipes. We have used it on so many different occasions and it is so easy to adapt and alter slightly (take a peak at our Spring Cookies too). Enjoy.
(Or use your cookie cutters to make some ornaments for valentines with this easy easy salt dough recipe)
Fantastic recipe, we’ll definitely be giving this one a try!
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