Calling all Class Reps
|My friend recently launched and she wanted to tell you all about it! This is not a sponsored post, just wanted to share this fab tool with you!
A new tool for Class Reps, PTAs and parents: “Easier than email, better than Facebook, different to the parent portal”
“It was mortifying! The newest boy in the class was the only one not invited to a birthday party, because the mother arranging the party had used an out-of-date classlist. The poor boy thought he had been left out deliberately. Now that we use new families are included on the classlists as soon as they register their details.” says Nicky, a Class Rep in Oxford. “As Class Rep I can send messages confident that they will reach the whole class, without checking that I’ve included new people, or cutting and pasting email addresses”, Nicky added.’s founders are two mothers, both of whose children have moved school several times both in the UK and abroad, as they have moved around. “Getting to know other children and parents, arranging pick-ups and play dates, and understanding the school calendar has been a very hit and miss affair. Sometimes there would be a super-organised class rep with an excel or word document where we could add our details to a classlist. Sometimes there wasn’t, or the list was wrong or out of date, or we lost it. And then next year, the same again… for three children each. ”says Co-founder, Susan Burton.
“I have been both a Class Rep and PTA Committee Member, and you can waste a lot of time trying to communicate with people, whether it is to ask for help with fundraising, to tell them about a coffee or ask about homework. We felt there must be a better way to connect with other parents”, says Susan’s Co-Founder, Clare Wright.
Classlist is an Oxford based service, enabling PTAs, Class Reps and parents at their school to communicate easily using up-to-date contact details, to create interest-based communities, and to organize events. Parents register, share and update whatever details they feel comfortable with, and can transfer their profile easily to other classes as their kids move on.
Members have fully authenticated access to a private and secure site with a set of tools all aimed at making life easier. The site is mobile responsive, for usage on-the-go, and has been operational for over a year in schools in the UK and Australia. is Data Protection Registered, and personal details are never shared with advertisers or anyone else.
PTAs also find enormously useful when making use of the newsletter tool, which automatically uses the the latest classlists to communicate with all parents. “We just had no way of sending a message to all parents ourselves before”, says one PTA Chairman. Classlist also makes it easier for the PTA to raise money, enabling you to manage paid events and collect money from parents. The site can be a valuable source of fundraising for the PTA, which benefits from revenue from ads on the school’s site.
Parents and schools are now signing up to Classlist’s new Schoolrun share service available for the new school year September 2015. This will enable parents to use a tool on Classlist to find other families at the same school who live near them and want to share the school run.
The schoolrun share service is an extension of the classlist and social network service to parents and schools. “Parents using have been verified to join their school’s Classlist community, which is exclusive to parents at their school. They already participate in class and year group discussions and attend social events, such as coffee mornings that have been arranged on our platform. Offering ‘schoolrun’ sharing to parents within this trusted community makes sense, whether it be organising bike buddies, bus buddies, walking trains or sharing the driving”” explains Susan Burton.
“We have achieved our aim of ‘Parent Life Easier, School Communities stronger’ by helping people connect, whether it be for a school fundraising event, a party, playdate, or lift home. Classlist has been described by a parent as ‘Easier than email, better than Facebook, different to the parent portal”, says Clare Wright.
Classlist is set to take more schools by storm this September. Get your school’s private web app set up now!