Cooking With Kids: Simple Homemade Quiche
|I have been making this quiche for years now – it is simple, relatively easy and you can pack it with all sorts of goodness. It is also reasonably (!) balanced, some protein (from eggs and cheese), some carbs (from the flour) and fibre (from the veg). Lots of vitamines from milk, veg and cheese. Then it occurred to me, that this is a good dish to make with the kids. They can help with the pastry (mixing it or rolling it out), with the chopping and the assembling!
I tend to make it with out a recipe these days.. so the measures below are “indicative” (save for the pastry).
Pastry (you can use store bought too)
- 200g plain flower
- 100g butter (room temperature)
- 2-3 tblsp water (if your pastry turns out a little crumbly add another tblsp full of water next time)
- 2 eggs
- approx 100-150ml of milk
- cheese
- Assortment of veg – we like, broccoli (cooked), sweetcorn and peppers) – the kids are not big on onions, so we don’t add those, though they are nice, as are leeks!
Preheat oven to 180C
- Make your pastry by crumbling up and kneading the flour and butter together. Add the water. If required add a pinch of salt. Set aside.
- Precook your broccoli (the other veg don’t need it).
- Mix your eggs and milk and a little cheese in a bowl.
- Roll out the pastry and place in your quiche dish (or square oven dish).
- Fill with veg.
- Pour over egg/ milk/ cheese mixture
- Add a little grated cheese
- Cook in oven for 30-45 min – keep checking it.
Done. Freezes really well too!
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