Little Poppet’s Board Books
|Well.. you know how I LOVE picture books, don’t you? Our house is literally overflowing with kids’ books and I can’t wait for mine to be able to read for themselves too.
So when this adorable little book – Little Poppets, Paula Metcalf and Susan Mitchell– came into my hands, I fell in love with it instantly.
It is the story of a little Mouse that one day finds that its tree has grown some socks. Mouse and his friends thinks his tree really does grow socks, as the next day there are more socks and even some underpants on his tree. The story has that that wonderful child like innocence about it (after all, we all wish our tree would grow socks or maybe some toys? Or maybe pizza? Don’t we?). But we, the reader know better! The next door neighbour’s washing has blown away in the wind!
So, the story is cute. But the illustration is even cuter. Created by Susan Mitchell you have each scene painstakingly and lovingly needle felted and put together. Right down to the very last detail of runny eggs and soldiers for breakfast. I know my little girl’s fingers are just itching to reach into the picture book and PLAY! Almost makes me want to learn how to needle felt certainly something to add to me “How To” to do list!!
Super cute book, would make a lovely gift too.
FYI: I was sent the book for review by the publisher