Summer Reading – The Rootchildren (Wurzelkinder) & Where The Wild Things Are

We are joining in with No Time For Flashcard’s Summer Reading challenge. Well.. we read anyway and now we are recording what we read.

Just a bit of fun to keep us on our toes.

I thought I would share our favourite reads of the week…


Das Wurzelkinder-Stehauf-Buch. Pop-Up-BuchI am making an effort again to read more German books with the children. To try and reinforce our German vocuabulary and Grammar (we are having some “bilingual issues” and I need to give German more attention). So I pulled out this lovely and very traditional book – Die Wurzelkinder. It is all about “Mother Earth” and her Children, as well the seasons. The Rootchildren are the flowers and bugs and we see them waking up for Spring and going out to play in the Summer. Then in Autumn, they come back home to rest. Beautifully illustrated in poem format. The Rootchildren is available in English too! It surprised me that Red Ted (4) likes the book. I thought this would be a Mummy book (because of the illustrations and poem) but he really likes it. Is particularly intrigued by the little boys, who look after the bugs and that they get to polish their wings and brush their fur (on bees). Cute.

The Story of the Root Children

Where The Wild Things AreWhere the Wild Things Are. Well. What I need to say. A fab book. And you can read more about what we think here and see our Where The Wild Things Are Craft!

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