Kent Teach – Kent County Council Schools
|As a parent of two young children, I do love to see my children grow, learn and develop. There is nothing that I love more than seeing them learn through play, you may have seen some of my “As You Go” learning activities – focussing all around simple learning in ever day games and activities. My son has now just started primary school and we are thrilled that he has such a lovely teacher. She is all about learning, but all about fun and play too!
Do you think you have it in you to inspire young children to learn? Well if you like young children and you think you could teach, have you ever considered becoming a Primary school teacher? Kent County Council Schools have just launched a new campaign to help find new primary schools in the area.
My in laws live in Kent and it is a beautiful area to live in – it is very gentile and countrified, but with good access to bigger towns and shops. We love the green landscapes, but also the fact that you have access to the coast. It is full over wonderful little villages (we drove through a gorgeous one at the Jubilee weekend, all decked out in bunting) and we have often considered moving there ourselves. We would have a bigger house, certainly a bigger garden and would still have good train links into London for my husband’s work, not to mention the practicalities of having an international airport (Gatwick) to hand. You can find out more about Living and teaching in Kent for yourself.
Even better… you can win a luxury break in Kent to inspire you to come and live and work there, a real lifestyle opportunity not to be missed! You can win one of three prizes and it is very simple to enter. A really great way to explore Kent for yourself and to see whether you could live there.
To take part, visit My Perfect Kent Day and tell us all about YOUR perfect day in Kent. You simple visit the site, write your story and “submit”. Done. What is stopping you? Someone has to win and Kent is waiting for you!
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This makes me wish I lived out your side of the pond.
JDaniel4’s Mom recently posted..Operation Christmas Child #OCCGiving
It sounds beautiful. I wish I could visit!
Bethany @ No Twiddle Twaddle recently posted..Free Kids’ EBook List
I have never been to Kent yet but would love to visit,maybe in the summer.
Isil recently posted..Review:Aveda Invati Haircare Products
Kent is fabulous! so much to do, in winter as well as summer! you’d be very welcome all year round.