Preschooler Maths at Home
|I thought I would share some of the girl’s maths homework now – she is in Reception (4-5yrs olds), which age wise, is similar to preschool age for kids in pretty much the rest of the world. This week, we share a simply activity of weighing and working out what is “heavier” and “lighter”.
This is such a super simple activity but has so many maths and learning benefits on all sorts of levels –
* language – looking at light, lighter, lightest and heavy, heavier, heaviest
* estimating skills (get the child to guess FIRST what will be heavier and lighter)
* writing skills – numeric and alphabetic (get the child to help chart what is heavier and lighter.. )
* analytically skills – get them comparing the ACTUAL result with the predicted results
* working with “bigger” numbers. Most kids at this age are comfortable with the 10s, though they can talk about 100s, they actually, always understand them. Do they know the difference between 187 and 191 and 190? etc
You will find that most children will enjoy, rushing around the home, looking for different things to weigh. We kept it simple and compared two items at a time. You can add a challenge, by getting them to order more than 2 items by weight at a time.