Christmas Jumper Sale
|If you are looking for more PTA fundraising ideas or church fund raising ideas, why not consider holding a Christmas Jumper sale for your organisation. NOW is the time to plan. No.. it is not too late. In fact, you are planning now, for next year. Read on and find out more. This Christmas Jumper Sale idea is SO important and really worth it.
In January last year, I had the idea that the school really should be collecting old Christmas Jumpers and reselling them to parents.
You may also like our DIY Christmas Party Games stall idea!

The aim of Christmas Jumper Sale idea was simple:
- Reducing Fast Fashion and Landfill
- Raising money for the School PTA (or any other organisation)
- Helping Families with Christmas Costs
Genius right? A no brainer, right?
Our only problem was, that last January, everyone was just a little bit sick of all the Christmas “stuff”. So we let it go.
This year, I revisited the idea in October and started planning. I think NEXT year’s Christmas Jumper sale will result in double if not triple sales. As it took this year’s event to bring the idea into people’s minds. I know come January, parents will be bring ing their jumpers into school for us!
Reducing Fast Fashion and Landfill by buying second hand Christmas Jumpers
Thankfully, there has been a LOT of awareness raising in recent months about quite how much we consume at the moment! The western world has a lot to answer for, especially when it comes to the fashion industry. Clothese are being made for pennies – under terrible working conditions and at cost to people and the environment. We simply HAVE to stop buying so much and to buy so cheaply.
Christmas Jumpers are a great example – we do NOT need a new jumper EVERY year (one for grown ups is fine).. and kids can take part in a Christmas Jumper Shopping Day like ours.
If we DO buy a new, we should make the effort to buy sustainably and not cheaply.
Raising money for the School PTA (or any other organisation) by selling Christmas Jumpers
We all love anything that raises money for our school(s). A couple of pounds per jumper sold is very well received.
Helping Families with Christmas Costs by making Christmas Jumpers accessible
Christmas is a VERY expensive time of year. Not only are there all those gifts to get and lots of food to buy, but there is an ever increasing pressure to take part in all sorts of events. Whether it is the Charity Christmas Jumper day at work (or school), the children’s Christmas Shopping Day, choir days out, theatre trips etc it all piles up.
As our school actually hosts a Christmas Jumper Day, we thought a Christmas Jumper SALE will will help ALL families reduce the cost of Christmas, as well as allowing everyone to take part.
Our Chritsmas Jumper sale goes from babies through to adults, so everyone can have something.
How do you organise a Christmas Jumper Sale?
It is relatively straight forward. Put a call out to parents/ the community for the donation of Christmas Jumpers – be sure to say it is for ALL SIZES, we had some lovely grown up ones that sold quickly.
This being our first year, we “only” managed to collect about 30-35 jumpers. But it is a start. Now that the community knows what we are doing, we can actually collect jumpers much sooner – ie in January and/or throughout the year. I anticipated double the jumpers next year!
Then you have a choice:
- Have a table with an honesty box in reception – and let people come and buy as and when they want to
- Have a sale date – we hosted 3 simple sales at pick up – this was a great way to spread the word and highlight what we were doing
- Integrate your sale with a fair or other event – we will have a small stall attached to one of the popular stands at our School Christmas Fair to sell any left overs!
Communicate the success of your event and encourage people to hang onto their jumpers for next year!!!
As mentioned, we will put a collection out in January and then again in October for a sale next year.
Good luck with your Christmas Jumper Sale. Together we can make a difference!