Weather Science At Home
|Welcome back to another “Science at Home” video session – today we decided to explore the Science of Weather! Weather is all around us and we simply LOVE to talk about it ALL the time. It is too cold. It is too windy. It is too hot. Never are we happy. But. Let’s EXPLORE the weather and make the weather fun! Weather Measurement and exploration are a GREAT activity for the Summer months, as generally families have a little more time to do bits and pieces.
Science Bloggers came together to share their ideas. Watch the video, and like us, be INSPIRED!! We are SO going to have to make a weather station these holidays!
Weather Science Activities
In Chronological order
1) I kick off the session with the humble Pinwheel and it’s ability to “demonstrate” wind – making it “visual”. We have a Pinwheel craft over on Red Ted Art and used it here, to open discussion about wind and also how we harness wind power (lucky for us, we have a windmill near us that you can visit!).
2) Inspiration Laboratories shows a fantastic science activity: making clouds. A real “ooh and aah” for kids and explains how clouds are formed. I will see if I can take this science experiment into my son’s class.
3) Blue Bear Wood explores barometers (3 different ones no less) as well as measuring wind direction. As they live by the sea side – they have a clear indicator of how wind from one direction usually then also brings rains. She wants to measure this with her kids and show the correlation (we are in a very urban environment and I suspect we would not have that correlation, but it would be interesting to explore!)
4) Finally, we have Rainy Day Mum, making science fun and accessible to tots. I love her little weather man and that she got her son to add the markers with a ruler. A great maths activity at the same time. Rainy Day Mum also demonstrates how pine cones are a humidity indicator. Fantastic observation for little ones.
Great ideas for weather.