Sponsored Video: American Cancer Society

This post is sponsored by the American Cancer Society

Cancer is just a word that no one really wants to hear in conjunction to any of their friends and family. It is a heavy word, that instills concern, fear, confusion, anger and many many more feelings in people who have to deal with it. The first thought of course is about can it be healed, will it be healed, will it get better?

What people often forget, is that cancer isn’t just a physical and emotionally distressing time, but also a financially distressing time. Yes, cancer costs money. Suffers often have a loss of income as they have to take time off for treatment. Frequently they have to travel long distances (that are in themselves exhausting) and stay in local accommodation to receive that treatment. How awful if the cost of travel and accommodation is the thing that stops you from receiving the best treatment possible? Can you imagine that it is money that stops a full recovery?

The American Cancer Society is currently focussing on this side of sickness with its Help Finish the Fight campaign. Do watch this passionate video by Jeri Ryan supporting the American Cancer Society.

Let’s help people fight cancer now? Let’s Finish the Fight! Support the American Cancer Society today!


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