Spot The Pig with Piggy Bank Kids

As some of you may know, I am supporting PiggyBankKids this year – a fabulous charity set up by Sarah Brown.

To celebrate their 10th anniversary, PiggyBankKids have just launched a fabulous photo competition.

Sarah Brown will be deliver the keynote speech at BritMums live on June 22 and 23 and PiggyBankKids will be holding a decorate-a-piggy stand in the exhibition area.

The winners of the photo competition will be announced there (and on twitter) on the 23 June…All you have to do is to take some snaps that feature pigs – be they real ones, ones drawn by your or the kids, or of course ones bought from their  This Little Piggy Shop.

Tweet your photos (max five entries per Twitter account) – tagging @PiggyBankKids and use the hashtag #spotthepig. If you have a blog, pop the pics on there too if you can!

The overall winner will receive a signed set of Sarah Brown’s books, including her account of her time in No 10, Behind the Black Door, her celebration of motherhood, Mums, and her celebration of grandparenthood, Grandparents. The winner will also receive a signed PiggyBankKids piggybank, and two runners up will also receive a signed piggybank from Sarah.

To inspire you, Sarah Brown recently tweeted her own #spotthepig photo (shown above and on Instagram here)

Entries must be received by Monday June 18. For full Terms and Conditions, see here.

Here is my (two) entries:

Tube Ride

Meeting Churchill

PiggyBankKids competition is supported by Ali Clifford (@incredibusymum), Kate Davis Holmes of Kate on Thin Ice and Groovy Mums,BritMums and Dadzclub and of course Red Ted Art.


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